Many African policymakers and analysts would recommend modernizing African agriculture and food production to be the second priority to help Africa avert what could be a calamity for the continent.

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A study reported that countries in three regions could not account for varying quantities of food aid: North Africa, 3.8 percent; Sub-Saharan Africa, 4.0 percent; South America, 3.6 percent.

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Amid all the gloom and pessimism about Africa, there is good news that should make Africans walk with their heads a little higher: the African Continental Free Trade Area.

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Haiti. The source of millions of tons of sugar, indigo, and cotton, the richest colony in the 18th century French empire, the Pearl of the Antilles. Haiti's riches built the grand townhouses that are still standing today in the exclusive sections of Bordeaux, La Rochelle or Nantes in France.

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